Spring is only a few short weeks away! Learn how to get ready for spring today.


The season of cleaning is upon us. What if I told you there was plenty of other ways you could enjoy the sun, without wasting a beautiful spring day cleaning house. I know that a lot of people enjoy spring cleaning! I know I do!

There is something magical and refreshing about starting spring with a clean clutter free home. Seeing regular sunshine after a long cold winter gives a renewed energy like no other. There is nothing like a productive day getting things done with the sun at your back.

The weather is changing here, we are getting more and more sunny days but it is definitely still cold. I am here to start a movement! Pre-Spring Cleaning!

Dust off your cleaning supplies before spring arrives and get moving. Go through your drawers, tackle that clutter pile then take a trip to the thrift store to get rid of the things you don’t need anymore. Go through your clothes and prepare to move your winter items out of the closet.

Fix all of the little things around your home and complete indoor projects that have been neglected. Repair that leaking faucet, replace necessary light bulbs, hang that shelf etc. Doing this now will get you ready for spring and save a bunch of time later.


Avocado plant I grew from seed

Don’t wait until spring to start your garden. Bring spring inside!

You can start your garden in a window or greenhouse. Doing this will give you a refreshing taste of spring and extend your growing season.

Starting your own seeds can save you a ton of money. You can get a seed packet for $1-$3 which usually has 20-100 seeds depending on the plant. Or you can wait until spring gets here and get plants that someone else started for you for a couple dollars each.


Map out your garden area and make decisions on what you are going to plant where. Like me, you may not be in an area where you are able to act on your plans just yet, but there is so much you can do today that will make it a huge difference later. I think this may be the most overlooked part of getting ready for spring.

Are you adding to your homestead this year? Make sure there is a space for any additions. This could be anything from a goat pen, new garden space, or chicks. Not sure where to start, check out my homestead guide.

What projects are you planning to tackle? This could be building a new chicken coop, painting your house, remodeling etc. Does one need to be completed before another? Do you have everything you need?


Now that the inside of your home is done, and your garden plans are ready, lets move it outside! Time to put those plans into place! Clear debris from your yard and get things prepped. This is one of my favorite ways to get ready for spring.

Clear any trash, unwanted items and miscellaneous things from the yard. Then, organize what you have, this way you know what items you still need to get for any pending projects.

Create a safe space for any incoming animals such as chicks, ducklings and goats. Most of us are guilty of going into a store or seeing a sweet animal online and jumping right in. This is an inevitable fact at my home. Creating a multi purpose temporary housing area will be a life saver! I plan to create a pen by using spare pallets and some chicken wire

Winter storms are rough on fences, walk the fence lines and mend any spots that may have gotten damaged. Doing this will ensure you can move any livestock around, keep your animals safely on your property and keep any loose or dangerous animals out.

Tackle the garden weeds and till the soil. You can also use this time to add amendments to the soil to insure healthy plants later. You could even create a raised bed so it is ready for planting when the time comes.

Hard work done in the winter will definitely be a bit easier. Dress a little warmer so you don’t freeze. Getting your garden started is a chore that will definitely get your blood pumping and warm you up. If you try to get your garden bed started right as planting season starts, you will be wasting precious time your plants could be growing.


Getting supplies for projects now could be the difference between completing your next project and spending an entire day scavenging for the things you need.

Gather any feed and animal care items that are needed for new arrivals. When you have already have ducks in your living room is not the time to realize you don’t have duck bedding. Been there!

Add any garden tools you are missing or that may need an upgrade.

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3 Replies to “How to get ready for spring”

  1. Yes!! I am so ready for spring and to get my hands in the dirt! Our dirt is bit frozen yet…lol! Those green gloves you have linked are amazing! We have backyard chickens! We have had ours for 7 years! We adore them! We have Martha, Henrietta, Rose, Tesla, and Anna. If you haven’t picked your breed yet…may I suggest Delaware…ours are fantastic…they are great with kids and very loving, and lay wonderful brown eggs. They follow me around and will sit in your lap and let you carry them around. lol! Good luck!

    1. I know what you mean, I still have snow on the ground at my house. Hopefully it will start to melt soon so I can get started on some outdoor projects. That sounds like exactly what I am looking for!! I will definitely look into it 🙂

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