Are you struggling to balance your work, home, and blogging life?

Girl, you are in the right place!!

When I first started, I was a mess.

I was always tired at work.

My blogging schedule was inconsistent, my writing wasn’t excellent, and my blog was not growing.

I needed to create a healthier work and home balance.

If you have found this post, I am guessing that you are in the same boat!

So what changed?

The short answer is me!

So what does that mean?

Hang in there

Let me explain

Life is all about perspective.

Take housecleaning, for example.

Are you killing yourself, trying to make sure your house is just so?

As moms, we all know that within 35 sec, the house is going to look the same as it did before we cleaned, right?

So why do we do it?

Why do we need to wipe down the counter 187 times in a day?

I don’t think we do.

It’s exhausting!

What if we spent our time completing a project that we have been trying to get around to for months.

Then we spent any extra time we have getting the house to a comfortable level of clean.

You know the level of cleanliness that you accomplish in a panic during the 15-20 minutes it takes for an unexpected guest to find your house.

You know the one.

I am talking bare minimum.

Here is my theory

Dirty dishes will always be there.

However, finally taking the time to tackle the clutter pile that makes you cringe, create your dream bedroom, or carve out an office space is what will impact your life every single day.

This example applies to every aspect of our daily lives.

We are spending all of our time, energy, and effort on things that are not pushing us towards our goals.

I challenge you to this.

Next week, I want to redirect your efforts towards the things that mean the most to you.

The difference will change your life!

Don’t worry; I am not expecting you to flip your entire life upside-down.

Evaluate your goals and make small changes to get you where you would like to be.

For example, write an hour every day, listen to a motivational book instead of the radio, spend more time with your family or complete a project.

You would not spend all day at cooking school and wonder why you aren’t an astronaut, right?

So if your goal is to turn your blog into a full-time income so you can quit your job, then you need to make blogging an essential part of your day.

This may mean waking up 30 minutes or an hour early to write.

If you need help outlining your blog posts click here

At the beginning of my blogging journey, I was guilty of this.

Instead of designing my life around my blog and my goals, I was going through life on autopilot, trying to squeeze in my goals.

Remember, when you are trying to balance your work, home, and blogging life, it is not going to look the same as anyone else’s.

Do what works for you!

Now, you are going to need a plan of attack.

I want you to grab a pen and a piece of paper.

First, you need to write down everything, and I mean everything that needs to be done every week.

Everything from chores, helping the kids with homework etc.

Okay, now that everything is all laid out, it is time to organize.

Make some categories

Such as work, chores, family, and blogging

From here, I like to assign a particular color for each category.

This way, I know what I am doing at a glance

Grab your planner or a weekly schedule printout and

Start blocking out time.

I block out my work and blogging schedule first.

These are my non-negotiable items.

From here, start filling in the rest, starting with the most important.

Still, feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day?

You aren’t alone!

Here is what I need you to do next.


If you are still feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks that need to be done reduce the things that are on your list

It is easier said than done,

I know

Often we have such insane expectations of what our lives should be that we pile on more than any human should do.

I promise that the world will not implode if we skip that terrible Christmas party, clean 20 minutes less, or have grandma take the kids to soccer one day a week.

Next, I want you to sprinkle in things that will make your day amazing.

Is there something you can do right now that will make your day better?

Something as simple as a long bubble bath, a hot cup of coffee, or a kid free lunch date does make an impact.

Your happiness and mental health matter too!!

Seriously, what is the point of working our butts off if we are running around miserable??

Make happiness a part of your day, EVERY DAY!

Here is what my average schedule looks like right now:

Crazy, I know!

However, planning this way gives me an idea of what my schedule is going to look like for the upcoming week.

There is a lot of last-minute things that come up in my life.

I bet you can relate!

Why not plan for it?

I leave some empty spaces in there so I can adjust as needed when things come up.

The last thing I want you to do is

Take Care of You

Now, here is the part where I tell you all of the same things you have heard over and over

I am sorry, but it must be said

Drink More Water

Be more active

Eat healthier

PHEW! I am glad that it is out of the way!

These three things alone make such a huge impact.

This is not about any weight loss or making perfect choices all the time; it is about feeling good.

I seriously spent way too many days running on two cups of coffee and Reese’s

If that is where you are right now, you won’t receive any judgment from me.

Feel free to keep your Reese’s. Just add in a sandwich, banana, or another form of real food and some water.

Doing this won’t solve everything, but it will give you an extra energy boost to help you power through the day.

If you are looking for some help with your blog. Take a look at my free blog post outline. CLICK HERE

What are some things you do to help balance your work, home, and blogging life?

Let me know in the comments!

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