With my sister’s birthday right around the corner I found it fitting to post great gift ideas for teens.

Put parts on their car. If your family is anything like mine your teen is driving around in a “vintage” vehicle, use that to your advantage. Is the cigarette lighter broken? Go grab one from pick and pull, swap it out and buy a phone charger for the car. Your teen will love it, use it everyday and you know their phone will stay charged. Everyone wins!

Headphones. Technology is booming more than ever. Headphones are essential, if they listen to a lot of music, watch movies or play video games.

Make their favorite dinner. No matter your budget you have to eat right? Make them a meal you know they will enjoy.

Plan a trip. Not all of us have the budget to go an amazing birthday vacation (I know, I don’t) but work with the environment you live in. Go find some snow, go camping, go see the ocean, hike etc. For information on how to make camping fun with kids click here.

If your teen is an avid reader, go get a book they have been wanting to read, even if you need to rent it from your local library.

Make something.

Do they need a new shelf? Find free pallets or furniture online and make one!

Rent a Movie

Let them have a sleepover

Pass down something meaningful

If all else fails, host a great party. Being around family and friends on your birthday is truly what matters. Bring everyone together and have fun!! Buy some glow sticks and play hide and go seek in the dark, shoot each other with nerf guns, and blast each other with silly string because those are the things they will remember forever.

I would love to hear your great gift ideas for teens, let me know if the comments!

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