Creating goals and writing them down are a necessary part of making them a reality. Remember, you go where you aim. Without goals to keep us on track we may not get far. Take a look at my goals for 2019.

Create a garden!

Gardening has never been my strong suit, I have yet to be able to keep anything other than mint alive for a long period of time. Not only do I want to prove to myself that I can develop this skill, but I also would like to become more self sustaining.

Own chickens!

I have always wanted a farm and enjoy being around animals. Now that I have the property I feel like chickens are a great first step, especially because my kids really enjoyed taking care of the chickens at grandma and grandpa’s house. Also, who doesn’t love fresh eggs!! This is what I am most excited about for my 2019 goals. I can’t wait! Homesteading here I come!

Build something!

I have loved working with my hands for as long as I can remember, however, it is not something I am able to do much anymore. I feel like I am way overdue. My first project is going to be building a chicken coop.

Read 12 books.

Growing up, I was a total bookworm! I often fell asleep with books all over my bed. This is another hobby I have neglected here lately. Time to jump back into it!

Go somewhere I have never been!

All too often I feel like we get stuck in the same routine. Going to the same places and doing the same things every year! Last year we moved to a different area and I really enjoyed exploring all the new places! Here’s to another great adventure!

Write Everyday!

Writing has proven to be a great outlet for me! I can’t wait to develop this skill even farther and see where it leads!

Learn a new skill!

I think it is very important to grow each year and learn new skills! I have no idea what new skill lies ahead, but when developing a homestead the more tools in your basket the better!!

Plant a tree!

Most of the trees around our home are tall pine trees! I really want more fruit trees or a good tree house tree!

Drink more water!

I am guilty of not drinking nearly enough water! I think this one is going to be the most difficult task on the list but water intake is sooo important! Wish me luck! I am going to need it!

Declutter my home and the garage!

My biggest pet peeve with house work are things that don’t have a home! It drives me bonkers!! Time to tackle those random household items once and for all!

Improve handwriting!

I don’t have horrible handwriting, but I have always dreamed of having beautiful elegant handwriting. It is a bit strange I know but now is as good of a time as any!

Create a monthly meal plan.

For whatever reason I never tend to meal plan. I slop together whatever we have at the house way more often then I like to admit. Meal planning every month will ease a lot of mealtime stress!

Sleep under the stars!

The main bonus of no street lights anywhere in sight are the stars!! They are stunning!! Sleeping underneath them sounds like the perfect ending to a warm summer day!

Take a week off of work!

I started a new job almost a year ago and have taken a whopping 2 days off, one of which I was sick and the other is tomorrow! I need to take the time to recharge my batteries and actually use the time off I have worked hard to earn.

Walk more!

With animals and kids I do meander outside often, however, it is always with a purpose. I need to walk just to walk and take time out of my day to stop and smell the roses!

Please let me know what your goals for 2019. Leave them in the comments down below.

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