Hello and welcome to the first of many blog posts I see in my future.

Lets get this started shall we?

My name is Brittany and this is my life.

With a full time job, and four kids to keep track of things can get hectic around here in a hurry. How do I keep it together? The truth is that sometimes I don’t. I ride front seat on the struggle bus some days just like many of you.

Right now, I am trying to drink my barely warm coffee, I have a load of laundry going, a sink full of dishes (because someone didn’t do their dish day), and my four year old is bored.

The important part is that I do my best to make it work. Some days it is a hot mess and that is okay!!

The trick is to create goals that will help keep you on track with where you want to be. For me, it is gardening and building a homestead for my little ones to enjoy.

With gardening season and chicks a few short months away, I am inching my way toward the lifestyle I want to lead. I hope you will join me for all of the tips, tricks and bumps along the way of life according to Brittany.

If you like my posts, please save them for later and share them with your friends.

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