How in the world are we going to find time to write?

A lot of us already wake up early and go to sleep late to accomplish tasks.

Yet somehow there still never seems to be enough time in the day to get things done.

So trying to squeeze time out of your day to write sometimes feels impossible.

When I first started I didn’t know how to find time to write with a full time job

There are some simple things you can do to right now to create more time for writing.

Lets do this!

I know this one is going to seem pretty simple but it is sooo important

I want you to utilize your phone

Let me explain

These days cell phones are basically tiny computers.

Take advantage of it!

Do you have an organizer?

Have you used the speech to text programs?

You can use these programs to write your blog, send an email or make a grocery list on the go.

Take some time for yourself regularly.

Far too often moms have have the weight of the world on their shoulders

The pressure to get everything done takes a huge toll on our entire lives.

Make sure to take time for you!

I know it sounds crazy but it works!

If you are running around like a crazy person, mentally and physically exhausted, you are not putting your best content out into the world.

If you are not truly enjoying yourself in life, it shows.

Take the time to care for yourself

By doing this, you will feel great and your writing will improve

And you will spend less time recovering from your week and more time living it.

Take an honest look at your day

Is there time you could borrow from something else?

How much time do you spend everyday on your computer, watching tv or scrolling through your phone?

Being mindful and tracking your daily habits will really help you find pockets of time you can rearrange.

This was the most helpful thing that I did when trying to find time to write

Now, I am not saying you need to cut out these things completely.

Instead, write during the most productive times of your day

Save those time sucking habits (that I have plenty of) for later

Block out your time

I cannot stress this enough!!

Your time is valuable!!!

Block out time for the things that are extremely important and stick to it!

You should not feel guilty for needing to get things done

If something does not fit into your schedule, rearrange a less important aspect of your day.

If it just doesn’t work then

Give yourself permission to say NO!!

Too many of us pile on so many extra things because we do not want to disappoint anyone.

Something as simple as saying “Thank you so much for thinking of me but I won’t be doing that this year”

Is so powerful and freeing!

Lets be honest, saying no to some of the things you really didn’t enjoy anyway, will free up soo much of your time.

Do the most daunting task first.

I know that it takes all of the fun out of procrastinating for a week

But by doing the most daunting task first, you will feel so much better and the rest of your projects will go smoother.

You may actually start to look forward to the next task. Who knew?

Delegate Tasks

For example,

  • Order groceries online and pick them up
  • Create a chore list for members of your household
  • Have a fend for yourself night so no one has to cook
  • Hire help if you are able

This frees you up to complete other tasks that need done and gives you the opportunity to find time to write.

Create a routine that works for you and master it.

Truly master it!

The more efficient and smooth the routine the easier your day is going to flow.

Is there a task that needs to be done now?

What tasks will help you get where you would like to be in life?

What makes your heart sing?

Set goals and a detailed plan to make them happen.

More often than not people set goals without the slightest idea of how to get there

If you are looking to start a blogging business, write a book or want to journal your experiences.

Set goals to write a certain number of minutes per day.

My personal goal is to write every day for an hour

Now, sometimes that hour is 20 min. at a time but it is a task I have deemed very important and must get done.

Much like brushing your teeth or having a morning cup of coffee.

Getting creative to squeeze in time for writing is going to be key!

I recommend placing your goal somewhere you can see them everyday.

De-clutter your home.

Easier said than done I know.

Start small with your writing space!

Create a space surrounded by the things you love then work your way outwards a little at a time.

Having a clean clutter free home will improve your stress level, create space for imagination and reduce your cleaning time (less stuff means less mess to pick up later).

Don’t sweat the small stuff

There will always be little tasks that must be done.

Do what you can, tomorrow is another day.

And make sure to

Help your tomorrow self today.

Do things today that will help you tomorrow.

Something as small as setting up your coffee the night before or spending 5 minutes picking up the house can make a big difference.

You will set you up for success every single day!

If you would like more tips on how to manage your work, home and blogging life click here.

Happy Writing!

2 Replies to “How to find time to write”

  1. Great tips! My faves are take time for yourself and do the most daunting task first. I feel like we always post pone the most difficult/annoying task when in fact we should just get it done and out of the way, the sooner the better. That way, you don’t have to spend an entire day worrying about it/dreading it. At least that’s what works for me lol. I find that working a full time job and running a blog can be difficult, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Managing time is really important.
    Thanks for sharing these awesome tips doll!

    Des |

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