All of my kids are officially in school.

Where had the past 5 years gone? I imagine this is what it must feel like when your kids go off to college or get married. This is not my first rodeo, I have done this several times. I am a seasoned pro! But this time was different. It marks the end of a great chapter in my life and the start of a new one. I may never again walk my eager 5 year old child to their classroom on their very first day of school, as I do not plan to have any more babies.

Our morning was filled with first day of school prep. Which, surprisingly enough, went rather smoothly. We got ready for the day, made lunch, took way too many pictures and were off to the bus stop. My husband is the school bus driver this year, which made this day even more special. He was just as excited as the kids, so much so that we joked about getting them all matching lunch boxes.

I drove to the school and eagerly awaited the arrival of the bus. As we walked together, hand in hand up the cement steps it was as if the world stood still. For a moment, I wanted to turn around and run. We both stood wide eyed in front of those large doors, soaking up the moment as if it were our last. One last deep breath and we were inside. Our lives changed forever. You could almost feel the excitement in the air. Children filled the halls eagerly awaiting the year ahead. Brightly colored animals were painted along the hallway and parents lined the walls of every classroom.

As I got the kids settled in and said one last goodbye, my son looked up at me with his big brown eyes and gave me a thumbs up. Just like that we were off to our next adventure.

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