Starting a blog that makes money sounds a bit too good to be true right?

Trust me, I get it

I spent YEARS saying that I should start a blog

Instead of actually starting I spent hours on pinterest trying to figure out if it is something I could do.

Between working full time, taking care of kids and building a homestead I could not wrap my head around starting a blogging business.

I had no idea where to begin, how I would find the time or if I could make a full time income.

If that is where you are right now, let me save you some time!

Starting a blog was one of the best decisions that I have made for myself.

I am not going to sugar coat things, creating a blog that will become your full time income is going to suck sometimes.

It will be all lot of hard work to get there, it will take a while to generate income and there are not any guarantees.

But if you know in your heart that you can do this then what are you waiting for??


There are many ways to make money blogging in 2021 but first things first

You need a business plan

When you first start a blog you are not going to have all of the answers

That’s okay!

It is part of the process.

It boils down to a few basic things

  • What are you going to write about?
  • Who are you writing for?
  • How do you want to be recognized? AKA branding
  • How do you plan on generating an income?

In order to start a blog that makes money, you need to have a clear purpose.

If you don’t know what the purpose of you blog will be, then you are going to spend a long time spinning your wheels

Take your time defining these things and be specific it will really help speed up the process.

Next, you are going to need a domain name

Picking the name of a website feels daunting and permanent

Take a deep breath and try not to over think it.

I personally spent weeks trying to find the perfect domain name.

In the end, it did not make a difference.

Use your name, writing topic etc.

When you have a few good names check with to make sure they are not already being used.

Once you have the domain you are going to use, you need to think about web hosting

There are several different options out there.

I personally use Bluehost for my site.

Bluehost provides 24/7 support, a free domain name for a year and much more.

You can start a blog for as little as 3.95/mo.

If you are interested click the link below and start a blog today.

Now that you have web hosting make sure to

Install WordPress and the Yoast SEO plugin.

Yoast Seo increases the chance that people searching on google will be able to find your website.

In order to make money blogging in 2021 you need to get creative

Create a Business Pinterest and other social media account just for your blog.

People need to be able to find all of your great content!

This gives you a free way to promote your blog posts and drive traffic to your website.

Use this as an opportunity to build your brand as well.

You will be able to establish what colors, fonts etc. you will be using.

Pssst… I use canva to design my graphics

You should also try out Tailwind

Tailwind is a post scheduling service that that gets your posts in front of the right people at the right time

It connects to your Pinterest and/or Instagram

If you are interested use my link and get a free month of tailwind plus! Click Here!

Now, you need to select a mobile friendly theme and get to work.

When I say work, I mean WORK!

Your posts need to be well written, researched and easy to read.

If you need some help outlining your blog posts take a look at this.

Now onto the stuff everyone wants to know

How do you make money from a blog as a beginner?

You can make money blogging in a variety of ways such as


Companies such as Google AdSense and Mediavine (requires 50,000 monthly views) will pay bloggers a small amount of money per 1,000 views on the ads placed

The tricky part when you are brand new is getting enough views to be able to make a significant income

So share you blog with family and friends!


You can set up a store on your website to sell physical or digital products

The key is to find something your reader can’t live without!


Figure out what strengths you have and use them.

Offer services such as video editing, proofreading, virtual assistant, website review, etc.

Another way you can make money blogging in 2021 is

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a fancy way to say that companies will pay you if a reader buys a product you recommend.

This is something you need to apply to do.

When you are first starting I recommend Amazon and Does this actually work?

The short answer is yes, it actually does work.

However, building an audience and a great website that will rank on google takes some time

And a ton of work!!

Spend time researching your audience and some great keywords.

You will become unstoppable!

Most people don’t start making money off of their blog for a while so don’t be discouraged

Keep learning!

If you found this post useful don’t forget to save it for later and share it with a friend!

2 Replies to “How to Make Money Blogging in 2021”

  1. Love the post. In a similar way, I’ve been surprised by how therapeutic & creative blogging is, & I’d love to do/write more. Can I just ask what benefits web hosting brings, &/or how you use it please? Thanks, Gary

  2. Hey Gary, sorry I didn’t reach out sooner, we celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday and it was a mad house in here. Purchasing web hosting gives you the ability to have complete control over your site. You get more design options, have the ability to place advertisements, sell products, get 24/hr web support etc. I personally chose to get web hosting because it gives me the opportunity to become my own boss.

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