Have no idea what to write for your about me page? Is writing your about me page

You are in the right place!!

In my journey writing my own about me page I discovered several things.

It sucks!

I spent the first couple weeks trying to figure out what in the world to include, how to organize it and how to break away from the cookie cutter “Hi my name is”

There is a ton of great advice out there which I did keep in mind.

However, none of it gave me the results I was looking for.

I spent countless hours online trying to find a realistic step by step guide to writing an about me page.

None of it really fit who I was.

It was only then did I realize that no one could give me the answers I was looking for

I was not confident in who I was or the direction I wanted my blog to go in.

You don’t need to have all the answers and by no means does anything need to be perfect.

Just take the time to evaluate who you are and where you want to go.

Doing this gives you a more clear path to follow.

Start with your purpose

This should be the bulk of your about me page.

When you are writing your about me page it needs to be designed around your reader.

I know this is going to sound harsh

However, I want you to think about how many really long about me pages you have read all the way through.

Not many right?

The reality is people click on about me pages to learn just enough about who we are to figure out if we are a good fit for them. Which makes writing an amazing about me page critical.

Take the opportunity to let them know what to expect and how you can help them.

Use this as your outline and sprinkle in things about you.

Remember, edit is your friend

Putting the best version of yourself into the world is ideal, but unfortunately none of us are perfect.

As you move along in your blog or business you will grow, gain some experience and evolve.

The beautiful about me page you create today will eventually become a thing of the past.

So take a deep breath, you got this!

There does come a point where you probably should post an about me page you are alright with so you can get the rest your website going.

With that being said if you are stuck, guess what??

You need some perspective!!

Try this!

Carry a notebook

If you are anything like me, there is no telling when an idea will pop into your head.

Carry a small notebook with you so you have the opportunity to write them down.

Get Help

Get help from someone who knows you well.

For me, this was my sister and my friend.

My sister actually wrote a bit about me!!

This amazing act of kindness helped me gain some perspective, realize what I wanted on my about page and what I didn’t.

It helped guide me in the right direction.

My friend was able to read what I had written so objectively!

She gave me honest feedback and let me know how I could improve my page, so the world could see me the way she did.

Writing Tips

Now for some tips to get you started!

Cant write anything about yourself right now?

No problem!!

For instance, write about where you live!

Are you deep in the mountains, right in center of an urban playground or sun bathing in the desert?

What do you do everyday?

Even those who “don’t do anything” do something!

I promise it is true!

I did not believe it at first either.

For example, do you spend your days in the solitude of your home thinking about the days to come?

Are you a movie buff with a love for pizza, a writer with a taste of adventure, a teacher determined to share your passions with the world or a hardworking mom with not enough hours in the day.

Write about family!

The fantastic part about family is that everyone has one!

Even if you edit some or delete it all, you are writing!

You could write a sweet introduction or tell a story about growing up etc.

For me personally, my husband and my kids (all 4 of them), are at the very center of my world.

Which is why I chose to introduce them in my about me page.

Think about your friends!

Most of us have silly stories of the things we got into with that one friend!!

You know the one!!

For example, you could say something like… If you can believe it, this time x number of years ago I was…

How about pets!

Pets bring a lot of joy and laughter into our lives and most people can relate.

I had a dog that got more excited about the park than my daughter did!

He would race up the stairs to the play structure, rudely cut in line, booty bump kids if needed and then happily slide down the slide.

Last but not least, keep moving forward!

Launching a website with no about me page is much better than not launching at all.

I have seen several websites do really well without an about me page written yet.

You can do this!

If you need help writing blog posts click here.

Happy Writing!!

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